The Case for Banning TikTok: A Stand Against Low-Quality Content


The United States House of Representatives has recently pass legislation in an attempt to ban TikTok in the US. This proposed bill is now going to the US Senate where it is expected to pass. President Biden has stated in the past that he would sign a bill banning TikTok. The main point in this legislation is the fact that TikTok is owned by a Chinese company and there are numerous national security issues. 

This blog is in favor of a ban, for much different reasons.

TikTok has taken the world by storm, but not all storms are beneficial. The platform, known for its short-form videos, has become a breeding ground for content that many criticize for lacking depth and intellectual value. Here’s why a ban on TikTok could be a step towards promoting higher-quality content.

Encouraging Meaningful Engagement:

Much of TikTok’s content is criticized for being frivolous and mind-numbing. By banning the platform, we could encourage content consumption that is more engaging and intellectually stimulating, fostering a more thoughtful and discerning audience.

Setting Higher Content Standards:

TikTok’s algorithm often promotes content that is sensational rather than educational or enriching. A ban could send a message that platforms need to uphold certain standards of content quality to operate.

Reducing Digital Clutter:

The sheer volume of ‘dumb’ content on TikTok contributes to digital clutter, making it harder for users to find content that is truly worth their time. A ban could help declutter the digital space.

Promoting Productivity:

The addictive nature of TikTok’s short videos can lead to countless hours wasted on content that adds little value to one’s life. Banning the platform could help redirect time towards more productive pursuits.

Supporting Mental Health:

The constant barrage of low-effort content can have a negative impact on mental health, promoting a culture of instant gratification and superficial validation. A ban could be a move towards protecting the mental well-being of users.

In conclusion, while TikTok does offer entertainment, the question remains whether the entertainment is of a quality that contributes positively to society. Banning the platform could be a bold statement in favor of content that enriches, educates, and elevates the public discourse.


ByteDance, the Chinese company behind the TikTok app, has stated that they would rather close all US operations of TikTok instead of selling. They are confident that the appeals and other measures that the company is taking will satisfy US Lawmakers. 

It all comes down to the algorithms that the site and app uses to show you content that the algorithm thinks you would be interested in based on what you have looked at in the past. This algorithm is the backbone of ByteDances business model, and they want to keep their propriety code safe in their own hands.


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