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When I quit playing
World of Warcraft in early 20111, I swore I would never play a monthly subscription based game again.
Then in late 2011, I decided to give
Star Wars: The Old Republic a try. There was a free trial of the game, I think for ten days or two weeks,
This was a little while before SWToR went free to play.
I was doomed.
I went out that same day and got the full game and a subscription card.
I had a light-saber for crying out loud.And then they gave my a Darth maul styled double saber..
My vow was broken. I was a sub again, and I subbed this game for three years.
Life events took over, things changed and happened, the game took a back seat to other priorities.
Here we are many many years later, seven years or thereabouts and im still playing.
I have not subbed for all those years and there were some long gaps where i didn't even play, as in a year long or longer gap.
I have recently started playing again more often, more consistently, and streaming this game to my Twitch account.
I only have two max level characters, play time was hard to get at some times and I really get bored doing the same quests and missions and flash points and who knows what else over and over and over again.
Lately, I have been working on getting my command level up and trying to get the new high level gear, Been doing daily and weekly war zones mostly as that is what I like to do instead of flash points and such. Not very good at the whole PvP aspect of this game, or PvP in WoW either, but I am determined and persistent and i will get the gear eventually.
One of the good things about this game is that there is always something to do or some goal to work towards. im currently trying to gear up
as i mentioned above, however there are reputations that you can level up, then there are the guild conquest points you could work on. and you
could work on decorating your stronghold. Oh, and of course, there are the story quests you can do if your not done with them. You could play everyday and practically work on something different each day.
In short, this is one of my all time favorite games and i have invested a lot of game hours playing.